'Tis the Season to be...an Asshole?

Posted by Kae at 7:33 PM

Saturday, December 1, 2007

No really. I don't know why I fail to remember from year to year just how...nasty...people can be around Consumermas. It always amazes me to be out in a store and have people shove me out of the way to get to something that, had they just said "excuse me", I'd have been happy to step out of the way.

*sigh* Come on people! Remember the TRUE meaning of the Season...Christ comes to be born a man...be born under the law to fulfill the law FOR US! He is the true gift, guys. *sheesh*

Anyway, as you can tell, M and I went out shopping today. Actually, *I* went shopping, M was just the driver. *G* Works for me. I don't have him hovering over my shoulder glaring at me because he hates to shop, he doesn't have to do anything but sit in the warm car, listen to music and play the DS. Although, I know if he DID come in there'd have been a LOT less shoving. He's 6'8" and 290lbs. He's a big scary guy. Of course, people don't need to know that under the scary there lurks the heart of a marshmallow. *G* But still.

I found a few things on my list, gonna have to hit Amazon for some things that they didn't have. Got a Swiffer vacuum that I've been wanting for the kitty pan area. Tired of getting out of the shower and having kitty litter all over my feet. It's currently charging. (heh. no pun intended but that was good for a chuckle.) Hmm...some pretty Christmas paper, a few bath 'n body needs and cold medicine (will this stupid cold never go away?) Ooh and a couple of really pretty nice skirts for Church and Christmas. I'm looking forward to wearing one of them tomorrow for my FINAL(!!!!) bell performance. And I (finally) bought my Christmas cards...they're pretty.

Other than that, nothing exciting went on at ALL. Just the same old stuff. *G* But it was a fun day. I think I wore M out...even though he did nothing.

Off to surf and see what's new, place a dang Amazon order and then read before I hit the bed.

0 berries eaten: