
Posted by Kae at 4:30 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007

Well, it's almost time for Christmas and, with the exception of some gift cards, I'm officially done shopping. Yahoo! I don't think I've ever been done this early before.

Of course, I still have things to send out along with my Christmas cards. I'll get those done tonight and off to the post awful tomorrow.

Check out my book review blog (over on your left...see it? WildDog's book review? yeah, that's it.) to see what's been occupying my time. Finished 3 books this weekend and have started on a 4th. That's really not a lot for me but I've been busy doing other things as well.

Last night, I was hostess for my Sunday School children's program. I didn't realize how much WORK that was...and most of it was done for me before I even got there. (Thanks J and girls!) And then I was cleaning up and one of the ladies came back and helped out by washing the dishes (thanks W!) and *poof* it was all finished and we were out the door. I didn't get to see much of the program but it was one of those "cutsey" things from Group Publishing so I guess I really didn't miss much. One of these days I'll write my own Christmas play/pageant and try and get the Church to put it on. I'm tired of the "we have to make it relevant for today" mentality that seems to be rampant in most of the Christmas stuff of today. I mean, does Christ's birth EVER go out of style? Really?

I've been doing okay with the "get the chore done NOW...don't wait" thing. It really is a good feeling to just have it done and not hanging over your head.

So now I'm waiting for M to get home so we can head out to Meijer so I can get kitty food (we're down to crumbs in the bags even though the kids have full bowls), litter, some coin rollers (I'm tired of looking at the bags of coins!) and a couple of books (because it's not like I have nothing to read or anything...lol)

Nothing more to really say today. Just a lazy day. Hope I'll be able to fall asleep tonight. It's been hell getting only a few hours of sleep each night. Although I've been enjoying listening to 700 WLW and America's Trucking Network with Steve Sommers and Bubba Bo. They've been fun this past week. Interesting too. I'd still rather have a full night of sleep though.

0 berries eaten: