
Posted by Kae at 2:47 PM

Monday, December 3, 2007

Did I tell you about my cool new toy? The swiffer sweeper? OOOHHHH it's great! No more kitty litter on the bottoms of my nice clean wet feet. Ahh.

Plus it's rechargeable so I don't have to go plugging it in when I want to use it. It's already there and waiting for me to make the floor nice 'n clean.

Now I want to get this steam mop that everyone on my email list is talking about. The Bissell Steam Mop. Man. I so want this mop. Freaks me out too since I'm like the least likely person to be all het up about a cleaning product. LOL but I do...I so do.

Anyway, today's a nice boring day. Paid some bills...made some calls for the cookie walk at Church on Sunday...gonna play with my toy...er I mean sweep the floor...and clean the bathroom later. Nice lazy type day. Ahhh.

Best of all? No Bells tomorrow. What a happy thought!

0 berries eaten: