Busy busy...

Posted by Kae at 4:30 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

'Tis the season and all that. Been hectic 'round here as I try madly to get back into the swing of things after a recent bout of ick. I need to remember that all my clutter and housework wasn't made in a day (except what M creates) and it doesn't need to get done in a day.

I am making progress with getting into a routine. Even if it is only a routine of cleaning the litter box. Still, that's something, no?

I think routines are important. They help those of us who have memory problems (thanks chemo!) they help us to feel in control even when everything seems to be slipping away.

So, I've decided to add to my routine. I just need to decide what to add and how much to add at a time.

Been reading several diet books in a quest to find intelligent answers to the questions I've been asking myself. One of the overwhelming statements in all of the books I've read so far is "change doesn't come easily...take it slow and let one thing become habit before you start to do something else."

Heh. Change doesn't come easily. No kidding. Especially not for a Lutheran. LOL But it is sound advice. Like the litter box. I used to HATE cleaning the box because it was...well frankly...disgusting. But now that I've been doing it everyday it's not so disgusting. It's easy and rather relaxing as well. Just knowing that that one thing is DONE, that the cats have a clean place to piddle and poo so they aren't doing it all over my "to be washed" pile of clothes. (note to self: get hamper. *G*) It's freeing to have that chore DONE and out of the way. Even if I don't do it until 4 in the afternoon. At least it's done.

I need to remember this for other areas in my life. Get the chore DONE when you think of it or when you're done with whatever you've been using. (like the dishes) Once you get into the routine of putting things away when you've finished with them, the rest is a snap. Why didn't I remember this earlier? Other than the whole "I'm dying from cancer 'cause I don't know I have it" thing. *G* I guess I was either stupid, stubborn or just flat lazy.

So, that's going to be my new thing. I'm going to get myself a routine and I'm going to work at sticking to it no matter what. Unless the whole death thing comes up again...then we'll have to see.

1 berries eaten:

Anonymous said...

We all crave routine I think. It keeps us grounded in our lives. Unfortunately it is really hard to stick to it. I try to do the same but it never fails something always sweeps in and seems to make me not able to follow through.

Change is never easy. I talk about that a lot. Change is something we all want but have to find the steps to take us there. Your well on your way and for that you should be proud.