Hey everyone!

Posted by Kae at 2:02 AM

Monday, December 24, 2007

What's that? What have I been doing since last we chatted? Nothing much at all except for the same old same old. I have everything wrapped and ready to go with the exception of Grandma's gift card from Kroger. I'll get that tomorrow while we grocery shop.

So what is Christmas going to be like this year? Will Dad get through the day without killing my Aunt? Will K and M help with dishes? Will the guys help? Will dinner go off without a hitch or will something burn? And will I actually be treated like an adult this year instead of having instructions spelled out for me? (Like "Strawberry, get the rolls out of the oven...and use the mitts! Like duh there Mom...I didn't know hot things were, you know, HOT. *sound of head smacking the desk*)

It's not really that bad. I love my family and all of the above actually gives us stuff to laugh about and tease each other about. It's frustrating at the time but, once it's over it's over. *G*

Anyway, now that everything is done Christmas wise (except for the noshes) I decided to be productive and roll the coins I've been saving for the past 6 months. (M has been stealing quarters for his "snack" so I'm down about $20 from where I would have been.) I've saved $152.50 in the last 6 months just from "harvesting" the coins that M leaves in his car, coat, pants pockets, bed ('cause you know, he can't empty them before hitting the sheets), bedroom floor...etc. Not a bad day's work if I do say so myself. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. I may hit the post holiday sales and see if I can't (finally) find a good inexpensive vacuum cleaner that won't freakin' lose suction. It'll be our 3rd in about 5 years. Or maybe I'll get that really cool steam mop or even a steam cleaner. Perhaps some new clothes or shoes or bras (all of which are desperately needed) or something totally frivolous like some Demeter Fragrances or books. (wait, books aren't frivolous!) Or maybe I'll be a Good Berry and put it in savings. Nah. :oD

Whatever I do with it, I'm sure it'll come in handy.

Other than that, I've just been getting things done around the house. I'm enjoying myself doing what I can, as I can and then taking frequent breaks so I don't have a flair or get sick again. I've been doing pretty well with that. Now if I can just cure the freakin' insomnia I'll be doing well. Have doctor's appointments all next month so I should (hopefully) get some answers. If I remember to ask the questions. *G*

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm going to go read (Got Fangs? by Katie Maxwell for the umpteenth time) and try very very hard to fall asleep.

0 berries eaten: