
Posted by Kae at 11:32 PM

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm bored. Just watched 4 episodes of Buffy and it's 11:30 pm. I should be getting to bed but...I'm just not tired.

I'd watch more since I'm FINALLY past the "Riley" bits. Ug he annoyed me. Figured out where M and I left off...Doublemeat Palace is the next completely new one for the two of us. Anyway, I'd watch more but I'm just tv'd out. After bunches of Buffy, Heroes and Robot Chicken, I'm just tired of tv.

But there's nothing good on my bookshelf. Well there IS but...I'm not in the mood for it. I'm currently rereading "Size 14 is not Fat Either" by Meg Cabot but...*sigh* It's a great book and I'm looking forward to "Big Boned" but...I dunno. I guess I just want something different. I don't know what though.

Anyway, Mom and I were talking business opportunities the other day. I'm thinking I'll be giving up on the hand made jewelry for now. Everyone's getting into it and at the last craft fair there were something like 8 different vendors selling their jewelry. I didn't see anyone buying it either.

So we were discussing what I could do. I brought up the fact that I love to read and Mom asked "K, why don't you write?" Seems she's been thinking that for sometime now. I'd LOVE to write but, honestly, I don't know what to write about. I think I have good ideas but then, they all seem to fall apart.

Eh. I don't know. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I mean, what could it hurt? Right?

1 berries eaten:

Kim said...

Hey, no harm in trying, anyway. I bet if you get started, you'll write some really good stuff. :)