It's cold season. *sigh*

Posted by Kae at 3:44 PM

Monday, November 26, 2007

So, if you've been wondering where I've been, I've been spending the days hacking and sneezing with a freaking URI. I get one every year around this time but I honestly thought I wouldn't this year. I mean, I just had one in October. And September. And I think in August as well. This one was the worst though...ick.

Anyway, because of the URI, there has been nothing exciting going on in my life. Nothing at all. Well, except getting some Buffy books and finishing season 4 of Buffy and starting on season 5. (mmm Spike in romantic mode) Been reading a bunch as well.

Speaking of which, if you like reading and enjoy book reviews, check out the book review blog that I help write. Yep, I'm the Wild in WildDog's. *G*

Anyway, I guess I should get out there and do something interesting for everyone to read about. Or at least find some more pictures of James...huh? *G*

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