Payin' the bills

Posted by Kae at 3:17 PM

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wheest. I'm glad that's over for the next 2 weeks. I'm still learning the ropes of how M wants everything paid. I'm glad, though, that I can do this for him. Takes the pressure off of him and saves us from those pesky late fees!

Need to go back out to and re-order a copy of Like a Waterfall. Wanna buy it for yourself? Go to the Merchandise page. I'm so excited. LOVED Civilized Man. I'm still listening to it every night before I head to sleep. Of course, there are some of the tunes that make me want to dance right out of bed...LOL

I'm on Shelfari now. Since I love to read and will read anything I get my hands on, I thought it would be cool to catalog it so others can see what I've been reading. Look for me by the name WildStrawberry. Add me as a friend if you'd like!

Willow has been warming up to me lately. Let me snorgle her a little bit while I was in the tub. She's a silly little girl but she's growing like a weed! She came to us at 1.5 lbs and in the first week doubled her weight. I'm curious to see how much she weighs when she goes for her spay next week.

Mmm I think it's time for a nap. *yawn* Have a great day everyone! Remember, if you wanna be a demonstrator for Gold Canyon, see my previous post! It's really a fun filled great job that you can do full time, part time or even just the occasional party. Great for SAHM, Retirees or people who just want to be their own bosses.

0 berries eaten: