Much better

Posted by Kae at 3:47 PM

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thanks to all who read the blog and emailed me. I really am better now! *G*

I went to the Doc and told her all about the crap I've been feeling and she switched my medication. So I'm still on meds for the anxiety but now I have something that's taking care of the depression as well. And it won't affect my...uh..."love" life.


Of course, good news just can't come without bad news too.

Got my blood test results back from the doc. My HDL is too low (like REALLY low) and my LDL is high (but not extremely so.) So, more low fat dieting (hooray for WWers! I think I'm going to try CORE) and I need to get off my fat white butt and exercise!

Other bad news ('cause you don't think life would just hand me something I could actually take care of right?) Grandma is in the hospital with a possible bowel obstruction. She's most likely going to have to have surgery. *sigh* She's 87 and not in the best of health even though she's as sassy as ever. *G* I love my Grandma...want to have as much energy as she usually has when *I* am 87.

So, if anyone who reads this could PLEASE pray for her? I'd be most appreciative!

2 berries eaten:

Kim said...

Still prayin, doll. And yeah, ain't it that way - seems like ya can't have any real "relish the good stuff" time without getting whacked with the Bad Stuff Board again, does it?

Well. We're still prayin. Tell your Grandma to give 'em hell for me too, willya?

Kae said...

I sure will tell her that. She says thanks for the prayers and all that.

I got to see her last night for about 3 hours. Mike was grumpy but knew that I NEEDED this time with her. So all was well.