Oh yeah...Kitty update

Posted by Kae at 10:34 AM

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Aggie came through the surgery just fine. She had 3 teeth pulled and was spayed and micro-chipped. She's such a little trouper. :o)

I've been giving her the antibiotics and can say that she's thoroughly unimpressed with me shooting the stuff in her mouth. Poor punkin. But she's been really good about everything and only growled a little bit at me today. M's not at ALL good at scruffing her or helping in any way shape or form, so I get to be the "bad guy" and give everyone the meds.

Willow is a little scared of both Mike and I. I think her recent trip to the vet gave her the wiggins. Silly little sweetie. She'll snuggle with M but Mommy seems to be the "Big Bad", as Spike would say. *sigh* She'll let me cuddle her IF I can catch her. So I've been bribing her with treats and letting her know that Mommy is the "bringer of all things nummy" :o) It seems to be helping.

Started everyone on lysine today. 1/2 a capsule in everyone's food but Aggie's. Aggie gets a full 500mg every day. I sure hope this helps everyone!

0 berries eaten: