
Posted by Kae at 2:29 PM

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm sleepy and bored. Not a good combo because when I'm bored, I don't feel like sleeping and when I'm sleepy I don't feel like doing anything constructive. I have laundry I could be washing, beads I could be making, jewelry projects to work on, decluttering to do...but I don't want to do any of them. It's Sunday, a day of rest and relaxation.

Actually, what I WANT to do is go to Michaels for a bit jewelry demonstration they're doing. M says he'll take me but he doesn't know what HE would do. I told him to just take the DS and I'll be out as soon as I've seen everything. Which, knowing me, could take a couple of hours. LOL

So we're compromising. He's playing the DS right now (he's addicted to a card game called President) and I'm going to go and separate laundry for tomorrow's washing. Then we'll head out to Michaels and perhaps the grocery store (I have NOTHING to cook with...LOL) and then home for a light dinner and some more Buffy.

I'm loving Season 3 and we're only 2 dvds into the season. I know I don't care for the Faith storyline since I've seen the last half of the season...but once season 3 is over, Spike comes back! Yum. Lurve me some Spike.

OH! And I ordered the 2 James Marsters cds. If you haven't heard them, GO NOW to JamesMarsters.com and check out his website. Love his voice. Love it love it love it.

Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) also has a great cd out called Music for Elevators. Excellent stuff. Especially if you're into indie stuff. So need to find more indie bands for listening pleasures.

Another good indie band...a Christian one...is Lost and Found. (www.speedwood.com) Great music, unique sound, wonderful songs. Nothing bad in the bunch IMHO. LOVE them.

Okay. Now I'm just procrastinating. Off to sort filth and depravity.

0 berries eaten: