Mmmm Oily goodnessssss

Posted by Kae at 10:12 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008

No no's not greasy food...

It's indie perfumer Possets' lovely goodness...

I heard about Possets from some Ravelry mavens and thought "why the heck not?" So I wandered over to the site much lovely I couldn't decide. Besides, Fabienne is a Cincinnati gal...I had to try just to, you know, keep it in the 'Nati.

So I got some Possettes. High Tea, Silver Carnations, Gingerbread Crackhouse and the sister perfume, Gingerbread Whorehouse, Strawberry Heart and her Girl's Love series. (Limeys, Vanilla, Possets, Clubbing and Pink Pepper)I also decided on Maderia and Hyde Park, two of her Cincinnati series.

I fell in love at first sniff. I especially adore Strawberry Heart (no really? *G*) which goes on very very berry and dries down to a nice strawberry incense smell. Not that fake stuff you can get at Wallyworld, but the really good hand done stuff of specialty stores. Mmm.

High Tea smells like a nice big cold glass of Iced Tea with lemon. Some days it smells like Earl Grey...equally nice.

Silver Carnations smells just like carnations. Mom, who is NOT a perfume lover despite being a candle maven herself, sniffed it and said "yeah, I'd wear that!" *G* It's that spicy smell of good homegrown carnations. You used to be able to buy carnations that smelled like carnations but anymore, they've bred the scent right out of them. Pass on the dead blooms and pick up a bottle of Silver Carnations. YUM. You'll so thank me. :o)

I didn't care for Gingerbread Whorehouse. Something about it went "off" on my skin. However, if you like gingerbread and you like the smell of cheap success, this one might be for you. It's not's just

The Girls Love...Vanilla is VANILLA and more VANILLA. Yum. I don't like vanilla perfumes for the most part but...smokey bones is this a good vanilla. Smells like the GOOD extract Mom used to get from Mexico. M likes it as well. ;o)

The Girls Love...Limeys is very lime and very fresh. A nice scent that I'm going to have to try again before I make any definite decisions about it.

Those are the ones I've tried so far. I've been wearing Strawberry Heart 'cause I really just can't get enough of it. I'll have to ween myself off so I can try the others. *G*

Next up will be other indie oily goodnesses. Like BPAL (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab) and Cobalt Blends' Lux Vixen and Blooddrop. (I have an order coming from Blooddrop...she donates a percentage of sales of some of her products to cat charities. How could I resist? Fabienne of Possets does the same with her Penelope and Maggie scents. Maggie is s'more heaven. Penelope is caramel goodness. *happy sigh*)

0 berries eaten: