I figured it out!

Posted by Kae at 11:11 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Okay, so in the world of "hatemail" or HTML, I can be rather dense.

But, as you can see my faithful Whiners, I figured out that damn cloud tag AND how to re-add my widgets. (actually, the widgets weren't hard. *G*)

But I figured it out after a tantrum the other night in an email to DogMom. *G* She's so very understanding about things...especially when I figure I'm just too stupid to do something. She's always there with an encouraging word. So, thanks DogMom!

And, just 'cause I figured it out...doesn't mean that I understand any of it. I just figured out how to follow the dang directions. *G* But I did it! Yay me!

1 berries eaten:

Anonymous said...

The new layout is great!