Much better now

Posted by Kae at 10:51 PM

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We argued it out. He sees where I am frustrated...I see where he is...well being himself. *sigh*

Anyway, it's over. I'm happy if still frustrated by the lack of staples (oh milk oh milk...where art thou milk?) and the thought that tomorrow I have to make dinner with pretty much nothing.

Yeah, I guess it's my fault for letting things get so low but, it's like pulling teeth from a caterpillar to get him to stop at the grocery...even when we're already out and about. And he did say we could go "if you just run in, get the milk and come back out." but I needed much more than milk. At least I made a damn list instead of expecting him to just wander around the store with me while I piddle farted around hemming and hawing.



BUT...I saw a knitting book that he said I could buy. Knit 2 Together by Tracy Ullman and Mel Clark. He's going to be happy when he finds that the $28 book is actually $5.50! *G* I just love a bargain and this is a GREAT book. Just got it home from the library and was flipping through...immediately started knitting a fun!

It's nice to be able to vent here though. I don't think he knows the address. Shall have to ponder giving it to him. *G*

0 berries eaten: