Cleopatra Exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center

Posted by Kae at 1:36 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This past Saturday the Husbunny and I went to see Cleopatra. It's been a VERY long time since I've been to the Museum Center but I was excited. I love learning and Cleopatra is one of my favorite subjects.

The exhibit was amazing. I can't even begin to tell you what it felt like to be in a room full of artifacts that are older than the Disciples. One of the granite pieces was a type of sanctuary for Maahes a Lion shaped god. The hieroglyphics were breathtaking. I stood in front of the piece for about 10 minutes just absorbing the detail and the almost pristine nature of most of the glyphs. I WISH I could have taken a photo of this piece alone but, alas, no photos were allowed. *sigh*

The jewelry was, of course, an interest of mine. There was a ring that astounded M with its detail and the fact that, if seen in a store today, it wouldn't be out of place or "antique". There was a pendant bead that was smaller than my pinkie nail but was so intricately carved it almost looked machine made.

It was an amazing exhibit and I wouldn't mind going again. Total love!

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