Huh? What?? Eh???

Posted by Kae at 1:56 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Do you know, I completely forgot that I have a blog? *headshake* Yes, I'm serious and Yes, I'm going to be TRYING to be MUCH better at updating this thing.

Of course, I really should have something to say before I go promising that I'm going to be updating it. I'm sure NO ONE wants to read about my actual whining no matter what the title of this blog is.

However, whining is something I need to do right now...

I hurt. All over. Aching. Owing. Feeling used hard and put up wet.

I'm still taking my meds for fibro but they're starting to fail me. The PM&R asked me earlier this month if I wanted to go up in dosage but since I JUST started WWers, I REALLY don't want to take more of a medication where the first listed side effect is "weight gain". I'd REALLY like a huge dose of pain meds that will just knock all the pain out...or at least another beautiful trigger point shot...but those trigger point shots are full of steroids and...not good for weight loss!

So, I'm trying to ease the pain with hot baths and vicodin. It helps but after the vicodin wears off, I'm back in pain again. Eh well...

Enough whining.

0 berries eaten: