You, Mr. President, are NOT what you say you are.

Posted by Kae at 6:05 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Back before Obama became a Presidential Candidate, I saw him on the Oprah show. He had just been elected Jr Senator for IL and, as I half listened to the show, (can't remember what else I was doing at the time) he sounded sincere and like someone I wanted to know more about. I even considered, just from hearing him speak on Oprah, to vote Democrat if he were ever a Candidate.

Thank goodness I did my homework. The man is a sham. He's already shown, in less than a month of Presidency, that he has no freaking clue what he's doing. That his morals are so beneath what he proclaimed them to be on the campaign trail. That he's so dang stupid about his "choices" for key cabinet positions. Honestly Mr. President? Not one, not two but three (and probably more) choices of people who, state that to be a good patriotic American, one has a DUTY to pay their taxes...and then the do NOT PAY THEIR TAXES? You think that these people, who apparently have the commonsense of a Canadian Goose flying into an engine turbine of a jet, would make good contributions to our country? People who have demonstrated time and again that what's sauce for the goose ("regular" Americans) certainly isn't sauce for THEM.

Look, Zippy, it's this clear. Stop thinking that you're the savior of the world. You're not. You don't have a clue on how to handle the "economic crisis" that we're going through. You're going to spend us into a Depression far worse than FDR sent us into. You're going to cost MILLIONS of INNOCENT people their jobs with the pork that you're tossing into this spending bill. You're giving in to the ridiculous mind-set that has overtaken the American people. That it doesn't matter what you do, you're not responsible for your actions. Someone else (usually the good taxpayers...Conservatives) will clean it up for you. Need a house? Can't pay for it? Oh, that's okay, we'll give you one and then, when you get kicked out because...well golly gee you can't pay!...we'll lambaste the EVIL corporations for "stealing" your RIGHTS! Shame upon them!

Give it a break, Zippy. It's not the corporation's fault that these people are losing their homes. It's GOVERNMENT'S fault for pressuring mortgage companies into providing bigger mortgages than people could reasonably pay for. It's people's fault for living in a never ending cycle of debt. As Michelle Malken says "Why should my (or in my case my husband's) tax dollars go to feed the housing entitlement beast?"

My husband works HARD for his money and I work hard keeping our house so that he doesn't have to worry about the "little things" and can concentrate on doing his very best at work. I think we should ALL refuse to participate in Zippy the wonder president's "redistribution" plan. I have compassion for the poor. But I don't want to hand them the fish for the day. I want to teach them to fish for the future.

Rather than spend billions (gasp) on welfare programs that do nothing but perpetuate the problem into the 3rd and even 4th and 5th generations, why can't our Government look for ways to help retrain the people who are losing their jobs, like the auto workers, for other jobs that will bring them back to where they should be. Proud of who they are and what they work towards.

But that's too easy for the Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Obama. He wants YOU to work for THEM. Heck with YOUR children's college tuition. Heck with YOUR retirement fund. You have to give up just about everything that you've worked for over your lifetime for those who feel entitled to have exactly what you have. Not that they want to work for it...oh no...they want YOU to just GIVE it to them. Or more specifically, for the Government to TAKE it from YOU and GIVE it to THEM.

To quote Ms Malkin again "Home ownership is not an entitlement. Credit is not a civil right. Your property-value preservation is not my problem. Can I get an "Amen!"?"

0 berries eaten: