Uh Wow.

Posted by Kae at 8:44 PM

Monday, May 5, 2008

It's almost been a month. So much has happened, and yet, so much hasn't happened.

Oscar has been diagnosed with CHF and Cardiomyopathy. He's on a diuretic and a heart pill. The diuretic is a bitch because...well his kidneys are being affected by the diuretic but I can't give him the IV fluids because he has the CHF.

On the plus side, he's like a different kitty. His breathing is MUCH better and he's getting perkier. I know that it's still a matter of time, but I'm hoping for years instead of hours.

In other news, wedding plans are chugging along. I can't believe we upped the date to June 28th. WTH were we thinking? *G* I can't wait though.

Speaking of himself, he's yelling for me. I'm sure one of the cats is in trouble.

More later...I hope. *G*

0 berries eaten: