My "lightbulb" moment

Posted by Kae at 12:15 AM

Friday, February 8, 2008

Well, sort of. *G* I've had this particular one before...but it's a little brighter now.

I am FINALLY feeling MUCH MUCH better. The liquid gold in pill form and the inhaler seem to be working. (seriously $100 for 7 freakin' pills)

So today I slept a bit, got up and wandered around the house feeling lost and uncomfortable. I couldn't figure out what was going on but I was frustrated with myself and on the verge of tears when I started looking at the tv area and what an absolute mess it had become. Crap everywhere. And I do mean crap. Candles that have been burnt until they can't be burnt anymore, old soda bottles that I was "fighting" with M about throwing away. (he brings in his soda bottles and sometimes the paper cups from fast food joints and leaves them on the TV stand. GRRRR) Anyway, I got a trash bag and just started to toss.

With each thing I tossed, I grew lighter and lighter. Finally I had the hand upside the head moment....the CLUTTER is making me unhappy! "Well DUH, K (I said to myself) this isn't exactly a NEW thought now is it?" So the momentum grew. My TV stand, the DVDs, the CDs, the video game consoles, the cat toys (and toy basket) and the surrounding area is now rather clean. Almost devoid of clutter. I say almost because I'm sure I could get a few more things out of there. (*wink* like M's DVDs that he never ever ever watches...LOL) But even though there's still STUFF there, it's not CLUTTERED stuff. It's nicely organized stuff. Happy making stuff. :o)

And Whew I'm tired. *G* I still have the trouble of remembering that everything does NOT have to be done in 12 hours. It can take 48-72 or even longer. Just so long as SOME is done everyday. Then I will keep my head road going and I'll keep the happy growing.

(heh, and I had a phone call with Mom earlier to tape Oprah (the second showing) 'cause it's about the clutter making you fat. I SO need this show!!!)

0 berries eaten: