The American Dream

Posted by Kae at 10:45 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Okay folks. I need some help here.

Can someone tell me just WHEN our inalienable rights went from "Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness" and became "Life, Liberty, and having happiness handed to you because, awwwwww it's just not FAIR that YOU POOR THING can't have a house and credit cards and all the food and games and stuff that you WANT because AWWWWWWWWWW you don't WANT to work because it's EASIER to let the Government hand you everything on a silver platter and, oh yeah, even THINK for you."

I just don't get it. Before this country was started, before those wonderful words Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) were written, there was a law in the colony that stated "You don't work? You don't eat." Period.

Because those Colonists KNEW that the ONLY way they could make things work was for everyone to do their job! No, I'm not talking about the Communist stuff of "everyone works and everyone gets everything the same because we're all equals here" but the actual everyone does his best for the good of the community. You do your job, you get compensated for said job.

Just like it's SUPPOSED to be in this day and age.

But no no no. Everyone is EQUAL! The Declaration of Independence says we are! See???

Um. Yeah. I think you need to check your reading comprehension abilities. The DoI says that we're all CREATED equal. After that, we're supposed to make something of OURSELVES!

But *waaahhh* Suzi swam too fast and I couldn't swim that fast so I lost!!! (oh no dear, you won and Suzi won and Jimmy won and...and...)

Yeah, can't have any competition you know. EVERYONE has to be the very best! There's no such THING as competition in the "REAL WORLD" (Don't shiver children! She's just telling a spooky story.)

Saw an interview with Ted Nugent the other day (On Glenn Beck) and he was talking about a time when his son was in a swimming race and he swam fast and came in first.....or did he? (cue ominous music) Nope. He was disqualified...because he SWAM TOO FAST!!!!!!!

I'm not kidding you folks. That's straight from The Nuge's mouth. Talk about having blood shoot out of your eyes.

Oh and all the Liberal whiners that go on and on about McCain having "so many houses he can't keep track of 'em!"

Um. Excuse me but, isn't that pretty much the very definition of the American Dream? To freakin' SUCCEED IN LIFE??!?!?!?


0 berries eaten: