Diabetes away!!!!!

Posted by Kae at 5:34 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well, not really.

It'll be a month tomorrow since I learned I had developed Type II Diabetes. This month has been an interesting adjustment in the attitudes I have about life and how I interact with food.

I've lost 7.5 lbs since I was last weighed. That's awesome for a month loss. I know I'm still losing because my panties are getting REALLY loose. (hey DogMom, you might be getting some panties in the mail! No no you sicko, not USED panties. Panties that are still in the box. Sheesh.)

But food and I are really no longer adversaries. I'm learning that what I eat has both an immediate AND a long term effect on my body. Well, I KNEW it but now I'm experiencing it. So to speak. I'm realizing that it's the choices I make that affect every other aspect of this disease and that, just because I shouldn't have (name food) doesn't mean I CAN'T have it. I just have to have it in smaller quantities.

Again, this isn't anything NEW to me. It's just getting beat into my head a little harder is all. *G*

And the Byetta, despite the nausea side effect, is really quite nice. VERY easy to take (I give myself twice daily injections) and I notice a difference already.

So maybe this isn't the horror story I thought it would be.


0 berries eaten: