Good googly moogly

Posted by Kae at 9:38 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008

It's been ages since I've posted. Sorry 'bout that. Not that I'm interesting or anything but, sometimes it's just nice to read something "different". *G*

So, I've been thinking about doing this 101 things in 1001 days thingie that I saw on the internet. Here's a web link for those of you who are scratching your heads. It just seems like a...well neat thing to do. I'm such a list person even though I never really get around do doing what's on my lists. Or I should say I USUALLY don't get around to it. Sometimes I do most of a list and then lose interest.

I guess I'm hoping for motivation for this. One of the "rules" is that your list items must be complete and realistic goals for your life. Meaning that you have to actually sit and THINK about them, you can't just write "declutter". Declutter what? Where? How often? Those types of questions.

And I've always been one to steer away from "those" types of questions when I'm making a "to do" list. I never get very specific.

M says, in his "joking" manner, "impossible! You'd have to do like one thing every ten days!" LOL that's sort of the point hon.

I'm tired of not DOING the things I've been wanting to do. Like learning to bake bread from scratch or planting a kitchen garden so I can have fresh veggies in the spring and summer. Oh I talk about it all the time. I read the books, 'cause of course if it's a book I'll read it, but I never get around to DOING it.

I think the last thing I decided I wanted to learn to do and actually did it was learning to knit. And we all know how far THAT went. I think I've completed 4 or 5 things in the 3 years since I've learned. Well, except for the extremely easy dishcloths. I've accumulated enough yarn to make 50 or so projects, if they're big projects, but I don't DO anything with it. So, I'm going to make that one of my, or maybe many of my, list items.

This just seems like an unique challenge to me. I might even get to the really big things like my weight and the *sigh* house. *G*

That's all for now. Gonna go watch the cats be curious about their new water fountain. I might even take some pictures.

0 berries eaten: