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Posted by Kae at 6:35 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

So Oscar is doing better. He's really doing well when I give him his infusion. Friday he was a bit squirmy but I think he moved the needle and that made it hurt some. I'll be more aware tomorrow to make sure the needle doesn't move at all.

He's starting to eat his kidney food. I have to heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds and then mash it up and build it into a little pyramid with a tiny bit of the other cat's gooshy gravy. But at least he's eating it.

Aggie tried to get at Oscar's food last night. She was most displeased when I told her only Oscar gets to eat this food. Not a happy kitty girl. But, oh well.

Other than that, things are okay here. Going to ask M if we can head out to Home Despot to look at gardening things. I want to build a patio type garden in our backyard so I have something to do other than write or do housework all day. I'll post pictures if it ever gets done. *G* You know me, Madam Procrastination.

0 berries eaten: