Sobakawa Love

Posted by Kae at 4:04 PM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ever since my hysterectomy and subsequent rapid decent into menopause-hood, my pillows were a bane of existence. Never keeping cool enough for my hot flashy self, feeling like lumps of rock like foam or paper thin piles of feathers, I despaired of ever finding a GOOD pillow again.

Then I took a chance and ordered a sobakawa pillow from It was like I had been reborn! No more "hot pillow flashes" No more flipping and flopping trying to get the pillow to be comfortable again. The "aaaah" was back in my sleep.

Sure, there's a "learning curve" with the rattle of the buckwheat hulls but it quickly fades (I didn't hear it after the first night.) and all you have is happy comfort, support and a super refreshed feeling.

I adore my pillow. I think I need a few more of them. *G*

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