Dear America...

Posted by Kae at 1:43 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008

Say goodbye to your Constitutional rights. The Supreme Court, the supposed defender of the Constitution, refused to hear the case regarding the eligibility of Obama to be President of the United States.

Now, I'm not saying that Obama is lying...really, I'm not. BUT I do find it rather suspicious that he won't show his birth certificate. And I think that the SCotUS needs to say, "look, put up or shut up here. Show the certificate and let's finally put this to rest."

But they won't. And I don't understand just why Obama refuses to say "look people, here it is. Deal with it, you're stuck with me for at least 4 years." I could accept that. But this pussyfooting around and the refusal to show just makes me think that there's strange things afoot at the Circle K.

Come on, Obama. Put up or shut up!

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