At peace

Posted by Kae at 10:18 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

At 5:45 this evening, Oscar passed onto the Rainbow Bridge quite peacefully. Before we went into the room, I was holding him and he sighed a little bit and put his head on my shoulder like he used to do as a kitten. He let me hold him throughout everything, except for the final bits. He needed to be stretched out a bit so the vet could find a vein that worked.

The Vet was super nice and treated Oscar with a great deal of dignity and respect. She explained the procedure even though we've been through it before. She gave Oscar the tranquilizer and left us alone to say our goodbyes before coming back in to give him the second injection.

I gave Oscar all the love I could in those final moments. I told him all about the big fat mice that couldn't run and the damn bird that he'd finally be able to catch. I told him what a good boy he always was and how very much I loved him and that there will never be another cat that will take his place. He'll be my forever baby boy.

And then, it was done. He was happy and healthy and chasing mice and hanging with his buddies again.

We buried him at Mom and Dad's. Dad had a beautiful spot all picked out and M dug the grave. I started to sob when M threw in the first bit of dirt and I couldn't watch as my beautiful baby boy was covered with dirt.

And then M took my hand, lead me back over to the graveside and said "let's say a prayer". And he thanked God for letting us have one of His angels in our lives and letting us care for him for a little while.

I know it was the right thing to do. He's happy now and I'll see him soon. Even if it's decades from now, I'll be with my baby boy again...soon.

1 berries eaten:

Anonymous said...

Oh hun this brought me to tears. I know it's been awhile since I've dropped by. Been having some hard times myself but I feel your loss. You'll see him again someday, he'll be waiting for you.