4 more days

Posted by Kae at 11:00 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008

or so!

I can't believe it's less than a week before the wedding!! This Saturday...man...I can't wait.

Of course, M's Mom and Dad aren't able to make it due to Dad F's health. *sigh* Poor M. I know how much he wanted his Dad there. Thank goodness that Captain Spaulding was good enough to step in as "Best Man Proxy". I don't know what I'd have done. As it is, I'm so stressed that I have 2 cold sores and the lysine isn't working and neither is the abreva. So I called the Doc and sniffled at her and she called in some Valtrex for me! Thanks Doc!

Got some Lil 'Kinz tonight for my Webkinz. I now have the 3 shorthair lil 'kinz cats and the black lab puppy lil 'kinz. *G* I'm such a child. But it's fun. If you haven't played with Webkinz...it's a totally safe environment for kids...there's interaction but it's all scripted. And you don't have to interact with anyone. I only do with the nieces and an "adult" (I put that in quotes 'cause SHE has more 'kinz than I do! Something like 39!!) friend of mine.

You can do all sorts of things on Webkinz. My favorite is digging for gems. *sigh* I wish you could do it all the time but alas...you're only allowed to dig once a day. *G* I need one more white gem to get all the white gems for the "legendary crown of wonder!!!"

Okay...off to watch MASH.

0 berries eaten: