Updates updates

Posted by Kae at 6:35 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

So Oscar is doing better. He's really doing well when I give him his infusion. Friday he was a bit squirmy but I think he moved the needle and that made it hurt some. I'll be more aware tomorrow to make sure the needle doesn't move at all.

He's starting to eat his kidney food. I have to heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds and then mash it up and build it into a little pyramid with a tiny bit of the other cat's gooshy gravy. But at least he's eating it.

Aggie tried to get at Oscar's food last night. She was most displeased when I told her only Oscar gets to eat this food. Not a happy kitty girl. But, oh well.

Other than that, things are okay here. Going to ask M if we can head out to Home Despot to look at gardening things. I want to build a patio type garden in our backyard so I have something to do other than write or do housework all day. I'll post pictures if it ever gets done. *G* You know me, Madam Procrastination.

Oscar's Visit to the Vet redux

Posted by Kae at 7:33 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008

So M and I just got back from the vet's office where I learned to give Oscar his fluid injections. I'd say it was easy peasy lemon squeezie but...even though I didn't have any trouble at all, I started to shake. (thankfully AFTER the injection was done.)

M on the other paw...well...let's just say that *I* will be the only one giving the fluids. He turned a VERY interesting shade of grey and then had to leave the room while the solution was flowing.

Oscar did very very well. He growled a bit while I was holding him for the injection and during the flow but even though he's still pretty unimpressed with me, he's letting me love on him. *G* I think he knows that it wasn't pleasant for ANY of us and that it's going to make him feel better.

I still wish (of course) that I didn't HAVE to do any of this, but it's really nice to know that I CAN do it.

Oscar's test results

Posted by Kae at 2:33 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Well, the good news is, he doesn't have diabetes or thyroid disease.

Bad news is he has kidney disease.

Good news again is, it's chronic kidney disease.

Bad news again is that no one knows when it will turn into end stage kidney disease.


We go tomorrow night to learn how to give Oscar some subdural injections of fluid to help his kidneys work more efficiently and to get some prescription food for him to eat.

More tomorrow.

Oscar's Visit to the Vet

Posted by Kae at 7:48 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

He was a really good boy on the way to the vet. Had some complaints until he found a comfy spot on Mommy's lap. Then it was "sniff sniff sniff" at the crack in the window that Mommy put down for him. He perked up when he saw my parent's house (where he grew up and was an indoor/outdoor kitty) and the fields he used to run around in and catch "miceies".

We got to the vet and he was being so good. He was on his leash and he hopped out of the car and started walking for the door just as calm as you please. Then he must have realized that he wasn't home and he tried to dart under the car. Heh heh heh. That's where having a leash is good. Poor boy. I scooped him up and carried him in to the office. Everyone made a big deal out of him (he is a handsome little boy) and we were taken into a room right away because a silly young Lab puppy was coming in and the Dr didn't want Oscar scared.

Finally it was our turn to be seen. He had his temperature taken...was SO not happy with that...and had his weight checked. He's down 2 lbs from when we last weighed him. I knew he had lost weight but not that much.

The Dr came in and gave him some exam time. Checked his thyroid and his tummy area. Took him back into the lab area and got some blood from him. My GOODNESS you could feel the floor shake from his VERY angry meows. NOT a happy boy.

Vet said that there is SOMETHING wrong but until the blood tests come back, she's not sure just what it could be. The three biggies for older cats are Thyroid Disease, which is treatable and curable, Diabetes, which is treatable but not curable, and Kidney disease which is neither very treatable nor curable.

She said that he has SLIGHT symptoms but they're so slight that, without the blood work, we won't be sure. So, pins 'n needles until tomorrow or Thursday.

Dear God, please don't let it be kidney disease.

Gads I'm boring

Posted by Kae at 12:46 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I really am the most boring blogger in the blogosphere, aren't I?

I've done nothing of note. Nothing worthy of talking about. Nothing anyone would really want to hear about. I'm boring.

And yet...

I like me. Today. Yesterday was a different story. Today, I'm liking me. We'll see what tomorrow brings.