am I getting somewhere?

Posted by Kae at 3:44 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009

So I've been referred to a pain management specialist. Something called a PM&R which stands for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. The new Doc is REALLY nice and I finally feel like someone (besides M and Mom and Dad) is taking my pain complaints seriously.

I had an MRI last Thursday and I go for an EMG on the 10th of August. After that, I see the Doc again and we go over the test results. I'm praying it's nothing worse than fibromyalgia. Of course, if it's something that's MORE than fibro but is FIXABLE, that would be okay too.

But I'm pretty much thinking it's fibro. I have all the symptoms, the pain trigger points and things of that nature. I don't sleep and I have some MAJOR depression going on lately.

But Mom gave me a bunch of papers about fibro and there's a support group that meets near here that I might check out. It would be nice to have some support other than my husband and parents.

K-sis made me laugh yesterday. We were having lunch and they were having burgers. (I had a chicken sandwich) She wanted pickles to go on the sandwich so she went looking for them. None in the 'fridge so Mom went to the pantry. Brought out a jar of them. K-sis looked at the expiration date and about had a heart attack. 1996 or something like that.

But they were pickles! Pickles don't go bad. She wouldn't listen to us so Grandma and I both ate some. They were squishy, as old pickles tend to get, but they tasted fine. K-sis said "when you have diarrhea I can say I told you so." and Mom said "Do you think she'd admit it to you?" We laughed and K-sis said "I bet she'd blame it on her sickness!" I giggled and said "well, at least being chronically sick has it's uses!" We started teasing her saying things like "here, have a burger! It's only 15 minutes old" and things like that. She's so much fun. I miss her when she's not here even though we aren't CLOSE like she and M-K-youngest's wife. Heck she and K-youngest are closer. But, since we don't really have much in common other than being sisters, I understand.

Other than that, there isn't much going on with me. Millie and Mia continue to delight and frustrate me. They're sweet babies and love to cuddle up when we go to bed. Xander and Willow are my sweetiekins. I adore them.

0 berries eaten: