so much for everyday

Posted by Kae at 5:21 PM

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So I haven't posted in quite awhile. It's been one of those years here at Casa de Strawberry.

Aggie is still missing and, while my heart is healing a bit, I miss her just as much today as I did the night she went on walkabout. Little stinker.

Been trying to get M to agree to adopting 3 kittens from the shelter. They are the SWEETEST babies and, really, Xander NEEDS playmates. He's bored and drives me nuts in the morning when he thinks Mommy should be up and playing instead of sleeping like normal people. And by morning I mean 3 am.

M and I were in an auto accident in May. I still have the bruises on my boob and chest. Those were particularly nasty ones. My chest still hurts as does my back and sides. ER Doc only x-rayed my right hand and wrist, which coincidentally didn't bruise and wasn't the thing that hurt the worst on me. (That would have been my back and OTHER arm...where the bruise was. Oh, and the chest. Where the bruise on my rib was.) So Dr D sent me for more x-rays and let me know that I wasn't really broken from the accident.

However, because I'm me and nothing in my life can ever go easily, I have some very severe degeneration of my bones in my back, spine and ribs and hips. I knew it was coming, I just figured it would happen later rather than sooner.

So I'm getting along as much as I can. M is the most perfect husband ever by understanding when I can't do as much as I feel I should. HE is the one that keeps telling me to "take it easy. None of this is going anywhere." He's my good Bunny Hon.

Blood sugars are coming up more normal than they've been since just before the accident. I think I'm stressing much less and I'm also not comfort eating. I do need to step up the exercise even more but, it would be SO much easier if I had a pool where I could do the exercises without more joint damage. Work out a day and am in pain for 4 days after that. I know that eventually the pain will lessen...a bit...but I also know that my joints and other bones are just disintegrating because of all that very high does radiation I "suffered" back with the cancer. And don't forget the poison...I mean chemo. *sigh*

God's going to get me through this. He has a purpose for all this pain. Even if it's just letting me be a humped backed old lady who can still praise Him in spite of her pain. I can do it.

But only with Him.

0 berries eaten: